For set designs, the fonts and styles are already set, for custom designs, we can produce almost any design you could possibly want - letters, words and logos.

Our custom orders are split into 2 sides - text based designs using one of our 8 fonts options, and the fully custom logo/designs where you can choose unique options and we will quote directly.

Here's our set range of font styles we can produce which you can choose on our custom order page or refer to if submitting a quote form - 

Please note we can produce almost anything and if these fonts don't suit or meet your needs them please contact our team via email at or submit a quote form on our custom order page and we will accommodate your needs! Thanks~


See below for standard information about our signs...

Please note - Each sign (custom or pre-set design) comes standard with a remote control which can be used to dim the light (or make it brighter), switch it on and off from distance and program the light to flash/glow in multiple patterns - great for controlling your sign and making it fit it for each and every situation - party, chill or day time...



Each sign also has the option for backing to be trimmed in one of 2 ways - cut to shape or whole board:





Refer to the general size/style guide below to help with your order. Please note, this is only a rough guide and if you need more help please contact our team at who will be happy to help!